February Inspiration and Printable

Handlettered Inspirational QuoteJanuary flew by, with tons of snow, snuggles and lots of comfort food. I really enjoyed slowly getting started with the year, and based on my instagram feed, it seems like February is the new January - meaning it's never too late to start "over". So grab your Rule The World Planner, and start thinking about those projects you want to start now that you've settled into the new year!Even though I didn't take a formal maternity leave (bad idea!), I was able to slowly ease into the new year, thanks to our incredible village! I really embraced routine where it fit into our schedule, tried new recipes, gave up dairy, started a book club, and worked on being fully engaged in what I'm doing (being with baby, working, etc). I'm excited for February, we've got a weekend getaway planned, the days are getting longer again so we can enjoy the sunlight, and we're finding our new "normal". And Galentine's day - the best day of the year!!!Currently Reading | All The Light That We Cannot SeeCurrently Loving | High Rise ANYTHING (especially awesome for new moms!)Currently Eating | Tumeric Lattes, and Dark Chocolate


Planner LoveIlana Griffo