March Inspiration

March came in with a bang with a foot of fresh snow outside! We celebrated Valentine's Day (a day late - because candy is on sale) by stuffing our faces, a few birthdays (also involved face-stuffing), discovered two new amazing local restaurants, and cranked out some fun work. We've got two weekend get-away's planned for March, and a little peanut that's turning 4 months old! Lots to look forward to! Grab your planner, and take time today to reflect on February, and start gearing up for success this month!Oscar Wilde Handlettered QuoteOne of my goals for this month is to schedule a few more blog posts - things I've been loving, and some things I learned during my "minimalish" motherhood experience. Once day, maybe I'll even get around to posting the DIY's we've been doing around the house!This month's coloring page is from the lovely Katie Vaz! Kick this months ass!!! And be sure to use #ruletheworldplanner so I can see what you're up to!