Launched: Chef Katelyn

I'm so excited to talk about Chef Katelyn and her blog "refresh". My favorite thing about her : our mutual love for more toppings than froyo. Be sure to check out her page!


Katelyn Block is the author of Chef Katelyn: a blog about CrossFit, clean eating for athletes, digital media marketing, entrepreneurship and start-ups, experiential education, and women as a powerful force in the business world. By day, she is a student and consultant for various graphic design, social media strategy, and business development clients, as well as sitting on the boards of Girls in Tech CNY chapter and Social Media Breakfast Syracuse chapter.

What’s your favorite thing about running your own business?There is so much creative freedom. In your business, in relationships, and in your schedule. You work a LOT, but most of the time, it's on your schedule.

Advice for fellow entrepreneurs?Stay hungry. Stay curious. Be aggressive.

Why do you blog?It's a great way to let my thoughts and ideas out in a more public way. It's my space.

Can you share a recent favorite read or find (could be music, a blog etc.)?I am loving "One Click", a book about Jeff Bezos and the rise of

What are five things you couldn’t live without?My smartphone, my family, CrossFit (is that a "thing"?), food, and water.

 What’s your favorite thing to do in your city (or about your city)?Going out with friends. There is nothing like scoping out the best parks, coffee shops, and restaurants of Rochester, NY with the people you love!

What is an interest, or something you’re passionate about (being fit)?I'm incredibly passionate about startups and entrepreneurship, but more than anything, I love CrossFit. Everything about it.

What's your favorite guilty pleasure/sugar?A BIG FAT bowl of froyo. Half toppings (all with chocolate and/or peanut butter), half froyo (approximately 5 flavors), mix together.