Rule The World with Kelly Place Creative | Working Around Inspiration

Photo credit: Lori Coleman

What does a typical day look like for you? Because being a Mom to three is my primary job right now, a typical day looks like a lot of lovingly controlled and thoroughly enjoyed chaos. I usually manage to stay in bed until 7, thanks to my husband getting up with our littlest before work. We try to balance our day with a good mix of outdoor time (exploring our backyard woods, learning how to harvest flower seeds, and using every piece of sports equipment that we own) with bits of creative play and screen time mixed in. And snacking. SO MUCH SNACKING. Time spent with my children fills my well of inspiration: listening to them laugh, watching the way the sun illuminates their play, and seeing endlessly random color inspiration in the outfit combinations they choose each day. If I have anything left in me by evening time, I try to fit in a quick workout, followed by approximately 1-2 hours of SOMETHING. Responding to emails from the day, drawing in my sketchbook, working on a commission, or sitting on the couch watching Netflix with yarn in my hands. I probably stay up way too late for our daily activity level, but the evening hours are my me time, and they are so necessary for unwinding and letting the inspiration materialize in some way.

Why did you create this quote for the planner? I have always loved this quote. I think it’s easy for us to feel like we aren’t being big enough activists, contributing enough to organizational efforts, making enough calls to all the right people… but so much goodness can come from making intentional efforts in small communities. We can raise children who don’t think twice about lending kindness where they see a need. We can hold ourselves to high standards of love and acceptance. We owe it to ourselves and to this precious earth.

What’s your favorite productivity tip? I’m lucky to not be under any tight deadlines most of the time. In general, I work when inspiration hits (or at least write my genius down), and I don’t force it when I’m not in the mood.  Lists help me keep jobs organized and feel accountable for personal projects, too. Also, If you have family or a community you see regularly, mentioning prospective ideas out loud really gets the ball rolling, since you KNOW everyone will be asking for updates!

The important stuff - what’s your favorite dessert? If I had to choose, I’d almost always pick a homemade cookie. Rich and chocolatey, light and lemony, buttery and flaky, loaded with bacon or nuts or salt. Cookies have me forever.

Current Netflix binge: Can I include Amazon Prime instead? Really amused with ‘Bored to Death’. Jason Schwartzman really pushes my late night humor button.

Brunch or happy hour: Happy hour! I am a perpetual snacker, but having a designated time to sit down, slow down, and enjoy some tiny foods with good company is always my choice. Plus, we are big fans of breakfast foods at any time of day in our house. :)

What are you currently working on? I've been taking lots of house portrait and Minted commissions. I recently finished up a nursery mural (pictured above)! 

Love Kelly's work as much as I do? You can download a free coloring page featuring her work here!

You can visit Kelly's shop, or see more of her work on Instagram!

Let's make next year our best year yet, and grab yourself the 2020 Rule The World Planner! If you're ahead of the game, be sure to sign up to receive a special freebie for ordering!